Support TelePAC - The Voice of Iowa's Independent Telecommunication Providers



Making Contributions To TelePAC -- It's Easy!

Why Contribute to TelePAC?

TelePAC is an effective way for ICA members to have a unified, strong, voice at the Iowa Capitol on matters that directly impact your business.  We gather contributions from employees and directors of ICA member companies to pool resources so we can collectively support legislative candidates and incumbents who understand that broadband communications is the tool and industry capable of growing and transforming Iowa. 
A significant part of our strategy in engaging with State Legislators is to get our message in front of State Senators and State Representatives on both sides of the aisle through individual donations to the TelePAC.  These individual donations come from people such as you who care about the stability, profitability and security of our telecom industry here in the great State of Iowa!
As our businesses have grown, so have our legislative interests and the number of committees of the legislature that impact our business.  At the same time, other lobbying interests (large providers, RECs and others) significantly outspent us in campaign contributions the past couple of years. 
Simply put, this means we need to reach more legislators with larger contributions to make sure our message is heard. 

If you are interested in a presentation about the TelePAC please contact Dave Duncan or by phone at 515-867-2091.

How Much Should I Give?

TelePAC encourages all levels of monetary contributions. Some members contribute $25, while others contribute $500. The most frequent contribution amount in 2023 was $100. Some people write one check per year, while others send in periodic payments or submit online contributions.
If you’re not doing so already, please consider giving an average of just one dollar per day to the TelePAC.  An annual contribution of $365 will help us grow our budget and increase our effectiveness! 
TelePAC understands that members have varying levels of income and financial responsibilities and we encourage members to tailor contribution amounts to their budget and comfort level – no contribution is too small, and all contributions are appreciated!


Can I use a company check or credit card?
No. State law forbids corporate checks. Write a personal check or use an individual credit card.

How do I make a contribution by check?
Click here to download the TelePAC Contribution Form.  Complete the form and send it along with your personal check to:

c/o Iowa Communications Alliance
4201 Westown Parkway, Suite 130
West Des Moines, IA 50266

Can I donate online?
Yes, you may donate online.  Click here to access the online donation form.

2024 TelePAC Year-End Report


Thank you to all the 2024 TelePAC Contributors!